“You can be as far as the moon in the sky or as distant as a long lost friend, but still feel close to one another, bonded by the train track of love that will brings you to the station of the true friendship where the one who gives and receives are the same person with two different faces.” (Padre Hugo)
The members of the Hub For KimbondoThe association Hub for Kimbondo maintains a second level status, the means the association is formed by several organizations. These members consist of associations, foundations, organizations and groups. There are also numerous friends, donors and organizations who work with the Hub. See list of affiliated members
The five-year plan of activities2016-2020The five-year plan of activities is drawn up every year by the General Coordination of the Pediatric Foundation Kimbondo, and the Hub for Kimbondo. In 2016-2020 the plan was approved by the Board of Pediatrics Foundation.
Pediatric Foundation of KimbondoIf you would like to know more about the Pediatric Foundation of Kimbondo please find the attached informative link.