Coordination of organizations in support

of the Pediatric Foundation of Kimbondo

Hub for Kimbondo

At the Pediatric Hospital of Kimbondo, the number of children increases day by day. To be able to help and support each and every child we have founded a non profit organization that includes different associations supporting the hospital. These associations are coordinated so that every one of them can cover a different aspect of the needs of the Hospital, without overlapping, while the strategy board controls the financial aspects and guarantees transparency in the process.

Thanks to this coordination it is possible to support and guarantee the future self-sustaining of the Hospital on the economic aspect while respecting the MISSION STATEMENT of the founders, Padre Hugo Rios M.D. and Laura Perna M.D.

For Mission Statement SEE BELOW.


How HUB for KIMBONDO works

HUB for Kimbondo exclusively supports the Pediatric Foundation of Kimbondo through the work of the partner associations.

The final target is to achieve a self-sustaining future for the Hospital.

To help the Pediatric Hospital of Kimbondo in reaching his target Hub for Kimbondo offers them the competences in management, organization, legal, commercial and economic aspects. With this support and consultation Hub for Kimbondo and the Pediatric Foundation plan together the structural and administrative asset for the hospital and guide the development and the management of the Hospital and the agricultural area of Kinta where the Hospital produces part of its own food and farms animals. Furthermore the coordination of partners and supporters helps targeting the donations to the different area of needs, decreasing the costs of management and assuring the proper utilization of founds towards the different projects. Finally the plan strategy assures a dedicated found for the economic or calamity/climate disaster emergencies and for the cost of surgeries that are conduct mainly in Italy, for the kids that can’t be treated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, for lack of infrastructures and surgery techniques.

 Download the statute


See the list of friends

HUB for Kimbondo has partners associated but also lots of other Charity Organizations and supporters that participate in the coordination and in the organization of events and fundraising activities to support the Pediatric Hospital of Kimbondo.

HUB for Kimbondo Board:

Honorary President:      Padre Hugo Rios

President:                        Paolo Vanini

Coordinator:                     Paolo Vanini


  • Iole Cisnetto
  • Marco Corsetti
  • Maurizio Molteni
  • Franco Ponzellini

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